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Meet the Talented Minds Behind Your Outreach Campaign

Yash Agrawal

Founder & CEO

Hetasha Vaidya

Data Analyst

Anuj Patel

Copywriter & Strategist

About Us

We are curious folks just like you

Every great story starts with curiosity. Ours too!

Yash Agrawal, our founder was a Growth consultant at a B2B SaaS startup where he helped them grow from a few thousand to 7-figures in annual revenue. But it wasn’t just the numbers that intrigued him.

Yash was driven by an insatiable desire to delve deeper into the intricacies of sales within the B2B landscape.

His curiosity and passion drove him to learn more about how B2B companies can get more SALES. He saw a huge gap in the industry: B2B companies, despite their potential, often lacked a refined outreach strategy—one that would help them to reach to the right audience and fills up their pipeline with qualified opportunities.

Thus, he started “Curious About Sales” from the innate desire to unlock the truths behind generating more sales and be a trustworthy partner for B2B startups to scale the business effectively.

Since then, we’ve stayed bootstrapped and managed to build a team of strategists, data analysts, copywriters, and creatives who think of smart ideas, write compelling email copy, build accurate data, so you can focus on what you do best: growing your business.

© 2023 Curious About Sales, All Rights Reserved

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